Twins Tale

Balancing Twins, Full Time Work, and Cystic Fibrosis | 7 Month Old Twins

Episode Summary

Nat chats with Erin Hall, a mom to 7-month-old twins, about her day to day life with infant twins, including schedules, bottle-feeding, playtime, and sleep. Erin fills her day by being a mom to fraternal twin boys and working as a freelance television editor while also caring for her genetic lung disease, Cystic Fibrosis.

Episode Notes

Nat chats with Erin Hall, a mom to 7-month-old twins, about her day to day life with infant twins, including schedules, bottle-feeding, playtime, and sleep. Erin fills her day by being a mom to fraternal twin boys and working as a freelance television editor while also caring for her genetic lung disease, Cystic Fibrosis.

A Twins Tale is sponsored by Zoe Strollers. Make sure to check out their great strollers for twins, twins + 1, and twins + 2!

After years of trying, Erin Hall and her husband were surprised to find out they were pregnant without the help of fertility treatments. Due to Erin’s genetic lung disease, Cystic Fibrosis, it can be very difficult to get pregnant without some kind of intervention. They were even more shocked to find out it was fraternal twin boys, making the pregnancy extremely high risk. This meant putting their van life dreams on pause as they figured out how to fit two little dudes into their family while continuing to work in the the television industry and caring for Erin’s Cystic Fibrosis, all during a global pandemic. Erin goes into depth of the pregnancy and everything it took to get her twins here safely in an episode of BIRTH, a podcast releasing new episodes each week. For now, they’re doing the best they can to figure out the new normal in a constantly changing world. Her small Etsy shop, Wet Paw Projects, sells handmade crochet items. You can follow her and her adventures with her twin boys on Instagram or TikTok (@van.hallin on both).


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